Sunday, June 7, 2009

Pre-race thoughts (written a few days before the race day)

Just a few days away from the competition I’d like to share the feelings involved and what the campaign has left me until today. I’m posting this one very late although I had it written before and I thought I could post it from Florianopolis but the previous days went by so fast, and the internet access was not available, so just today, back in Lima again, I’m able to publish it.

It’s hard to explain what the feelings are these previous days without explaining first what I’ve gone through the last few months. Only with this thoughts in mind it’s easier to try to understand all the different feelings and sensations this campaign has left me.

Looking back, it’s amazing all that has happened this last few months. In terms of training what I remember the most is the early awakenings, the strict schedules, the food (although I lost more than 8 pounds during training!), the physical effort, the cold sea at 6am, etc. Because of my work (and sometimes just for fun and vacation) I have the opportunity to travel and, considering the dates when I started to train for triathlons (Paracas Half Ironman that I’ve already told you about in a previous post), I’ve trained in Buenos Aires, Santiago, Orlando, Miami, Montevideo, Madrid, Arequipa, Piura, Tumbes, Mancora, Cusco (although it was a failed attempt I’m counting it anyway) and of course Lima. 12 different cities in 6 different countries have to pay off the day of the race!! I remember the long training hours, specially on Saturdays (getting up at 4am to be back home at 2pm in some cases) but fortunately I shared the road and training with an excellent group of friends. This way the long days are much more enjoyable. By the way, thanks to Eduardo, Kike, Alfonso, Carlos and Paolo for the company, the tips and support during the training and for being always aware of the campaign. In the same way I’d like to thank Carlos’s parents, great support to all these amateur athletes on their way of fulfilling their dream of becoming an Ironman.

About the campaign, I’d have to be honest and let you know that when me and my wife were planning this campaign, we never thought it would be as big as I think it has become. We thought it was going to be a campaign among our friends and acquaintances and laughed thinking the media might be interested in it one day. Today, the balance is: 3 TV channel appearances, 4 cable TV appearances, 2 radio stations, 2 web sites, 3 magazines, 1 newspaper and a few blogs. Quite a lot for an idea that started only from our wish to help others in need. I think I’ve already commented this but you start with a campaign like this one thinking you will help others but in the end you are the most benefited from all this because of all you receive in exchange. Looking at this from perspective, in the end it’s always a win-win situation for everyone.

The amount raised has been increasing slowly but constantly. Today we are at 60.4% (about USD 23,000) and I’m sure with these next day’s donations we’ll get to around 80% of our initial goal (about USD 30,000). In the beginning, when I thought about not reaching this fund raising goal, the Ironman goal has never been questioned in my mind, I felt a little disappointed but then I soon realized that any amount, whether it was USD 1,000, USD 2,000 or USD 30,000, which is the amount I’m intending to reach, it’s a lot of money for this community and something they do not have today so the campaign’s intention hasn’t changed at all. It’s still a simple idea and the response of the people to a community that needs all our help.

Today, on my way to Brazil I keep thinking about my family, the children in the community and everyone that has helped me and the campaign reach the place where we are now. It is obvious this result it’s not only mine but of all of you that made the effort of helping out spreading the campaign, with your ideas, with your encouraging, your donations, etc. All of you have been and will continue being a part of this project and I hope you feel that way. Without you this project would no be as successful as I think it has been so feel good about it!!

I feel a mix of emotion and anxiety for the race day to come and to see “in the field” if the long training has been enough or not. I want to give out the amount raised, choose a project to invest in and finally see something tangible come out of my effort and your support.

It has been truly a live changing experience to train for this and associate it to a fund raising campaign for the needy. I truly believe that if everyone of us puts in practice all the small or big ideas that we might have, we’ll be doing our share and, little by little, we will do a great deal of good to this country and this world. Do it! You’ll experience something good and the response you’ll get is bigger than you can imagine.

This has helped me in the physical side but also in the personal side. In my case, it has allowed me to get closer to my family and the people I love, besides letting me know some spectacular persons. Now I know for sure that if I decide to do something, no matter how hard or impossible it may seem, with the right amount of effort, the consistency and dedication required, there’s no obstacle I’m not able to pass. I’m also absolutely positive that helping is easy. Very easy. You just have to decide it and act.

I’ll leave you with a video that shows what means to decide to do something and succeed. A true example for all of us.

I’d like to finish thanking everyone that has been supporting from the beginning of the project, also those that jumped in after, those who felt part of this, those who wished me the best, those who read this blog and anyone who might feel inspired by this to do something for other in need. To all of you, thanks for everything.
Our goal: their future

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