It is basically an acknowledgement to the interested media, that I’d like to extend also to the persons and companies (I’ll talk more extensively about them in a future post), that are supporting the campaign and letting this project become, more than a person’s dream of helping others, a tangible reality that will assure, or at least improve, these children’s future.
What has been broadcasted

The first recognition goes to the ones that let us communicate the project for the first time in the media. The Cable TV debut was on a local channel in a show called Entre Titulares (Among Headlines as could be translated in English). This show creates a headline of each of the topics and the campaign’s was a very emotive and encouraging one. You’ll see it right below but the translation would be something like “A race for life, we have the opportunity to leave our mark on the children’s future”. Thanks a lot Eliana, Gordo, Loco & Chato!

In the third place I’d like to say thanks to Oh Diosas, a show on a local Cable channel. Thanks to Almendra, Astrid and all the Oh Diosas team for giving us the opportunity of reaching more people through your audience!
What’s next
Besides the mentioned media I’d like to thank also some others that have already contacted us showing their interest on the campaign. With some of them we’ve already had some interviews and with others we’ve had some preliminary approaches.
This week should be published an interview on Terra online (
As for the future needs of spreading this campaign, there are a couple of additional TV shows that are also interested, as well as some other radio stations and some written media that we hope we can contact for an interview in the next weeks.
Campaign Summary
As you can see, I’ve been trying, besides the huge load of training for the competition, the long hours updating this page (and the Spanish one) to keep you informed of the campaign and the community, to spread as much as possible the word of this fund raising activity and try to reach the maximum number of persons. Now it is essential that you help me on this task and spread the project out among your contacts, friends, etc.
Let’s hope this project reaches some important figure that may endorse and support the campaign. They can reach so many people and promote a positive change on our country. To the ones I’ve already met and promised their support, I hope you can do it soon to set an example to others.
We are only 55 days away from the end of campaign y we have raised only 26% of our goal. This means approximately US$ 10,000 (PEN 30,000) considering what is on the accounts and what has been promised by some companies. It’s time for all of us to react, let us not spend more time without helping, and support the project!
Remember there are no minimum amounts or maximum either. You can help us with whatever your possibilities are. More than 700 children today will be benefited by your support and thousands tomorrow.
Help us help them,
Our goal: their future
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